U JNIVERSITE DE M IONTPELLIER 蒙彼利埃大学成立于1289年,作为法国非宗教、国际性的大学享誉全球。八百年来,众多知识分子和科学家,从拉伯雷和居里到勒诺多、夏普塔尔和格罗膝造克,已经使这所大学与城市生活息息相关,并参与到时代的巨大挑战中。蒙技利埃大学与法国国家和国际研究机构保持着非常密切的关系,是歌育知名大学联盟一一科英布拉大学状盟的成员之一,与英国剑价大学、牛津大学、德国哥廷根大学开名。
The Lniverslily clf Man tpil ler wiefaundedh1289and hie giined wartdwdenepu-bation e Frin oifs non-nell gious and har nildanil uniwinsity.Oar a pirlos of aghe bentulek, numeraus Inbillectuas and sclentbes fam Ribebis and Cule, to Fienaudot,Chiptil aind Qrothindkick, hive shapid a unliwr alty coae ly tied with the dy le and lnvcved in the greisch ilingesofits tmesk. The Uriwersaily of Mantpalier slso heieis a viry dose nebidaship with many locil nildanil and haemaldonil neseanchInshuians t a membir of the Eurcpein top Univr aty Alliinoe(Colm bra graup), ilong with the Lrivwir aty af Cambrtdge, Lhivwirslily of Oodord and tha Lhwirnslly ofCotingen
科关布拉团(Cointra Group. 简和CG)成立于1900年。是由40个欧海大学有成的大学网达,其中不乏许多吹用超古老及笔富声垫望的大学。索有欧用常春接环盟之称,]
The Universlly of Mantpiler baghi a wide ninge of decplines, fram sdenai,idndogy, medol to iennrarmirt ind eduodao, b o hduae minigimin businiss sdminignda, ecanamick, liw and pdlas The Univrslty of Montpilllir hduaee 16 coli gie ar heddhik, hduding the hgbaae Morntpilar Managemint (MOVALItprovtdesshudernts with a varfety of Maaming cppatunliea to meet futune Cirair naads, comaining rocodic, angnarng ind haatn sàinok eoonaick aky hfamat lan bachrology and buainess minagemint.
FTne Coicra Graup (Cog wazegaciabad in mho.ti unieaeynttvank df eo luropean wniiea die Aheyofn
4 ahich incan aa te iurgpean hy League.】